About Jacquelyn


Hi! I’m Jacquelyn! I live in Richmond, VA with my best friend & husband David, our boys James & Alexander, and our basset hound Izzy. Our favorite thing to do is just to hang out together, whether it’s going out for a walk or staying in snuggled on the couch. I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from VCU’s School of Arts. I was a high school photography teacher for seven years, but now I’m playing with our little guys and our pup full-time (when I’m not taking portraits of course).

A photograph is a wonderful way of remembering that which is important to us, and I consider it an honor to be a part of capturing special moments for you. I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you preserve your family’s memories.


Years Married: 19

Books I own: 500+

Types of tea in my house: 16

Countries Visited: 7

Waffles consumed: 1000+

Years I taught photography: 7

(Photograph by Ryan & Ahren Photography)